The following are some related sites that I have found very helpful:

Alpha and Omega Ministries: This is the site of James White, one of the best Christian Apologist alive today! You'll find great material on defending the faith against groups such as Muslims, atheists, Catholics, Mormons etc. It also deals with the King James Only Controversy. 

American Vision: A great site to visit for material on reclaiming American society and culture for Christ. The president of American Vision is Gary DeMar, who has produced some very helpful material (books and lectures) on cultural and apologetical issues.

The Nicene Council: This used to be called the Apologetics Group. You can purchase a lot of good stuff on apologetics and other subjects. The director of Nicene Council is Dr Kenneth Gentry, a leading scholar in eschatology and the book of Revelation.

The Trinitiy Foundation: This is where you go to find material by Dr Gordon H. Clark, my favourite Christian philosopher and apologist.

Covenant Media Foundation: This site contains lots of material by Dr Greg L. Bahnsen, a great theologian, philosopher and apologist.

A Puritan's Mind: This is the site of Dr Matthew McMahon. It contains a lot of good material on Puritan and Reformed theology.

Whitefield Theological Seminary: This is the seminary where I'm currently pursuing my MDiv from. An excellent place to study if you're looking for solid training in historic Reformed theology. Dr Kenneth Talbot is the President of the Seminary.

E. Calvin Beisner's Site and Cornwall Alliance: Includes good material on environmental ethics